One of the duties of the Lesotho Electricity and Water Authority (LEWA), is to protect
the interests of all classes of consumers of electricity, urban water and sewerage
services in relation to access, the quality of service and the price of the service.
In an endeavour to successfully perform the above duty, the Authority has
established LEWA district committees in all the 10 districts. The establishment of the
committees was aimed at ensuring adequate representation of consumer interests in
the regulatory fraternity. The Committees’ Terms of Reference include: to enhance
communication between consumers and the Authority; to improve awareness on
consumers’ rights and responsibilities; to create awareness of duties and functions of
the Authority; to provide sufficient feedback on public opinion to the regulator; and to
improve quality of service, particularly speeding-up the resolution of customer
Members range between 10 -16 residents per district committee and are electricity,
urban water and sewerage services customers who are working on voluntary basis.
The current members have been inducted on the mandate of LEWA, their role as
committee members, and other basic administrative matters.
So far, the volunteer concept has proven to be an excellent tool for reinforcing
consumer protection. It has yielded positive results in that the committees have
assisted in the dissemination of LEWA information at district level, resolution of
customer complaints, consolidation of customer views on issues that affect them and
provision of feedback on quality of services to the Authority. Customers are given a
voice through these committees as they have the necessary representation relating
to provision of electricity and water services.
The public is sensitized once more of the existence of the LEWA district committees,
and encouraged to use them in their respective areas. Customers may liaise with
District Administrators (DA) offices to lodge a complaint that is due for escalation to
LEWA or seek to meet with the committee/ or a member of the committee in their
respective districts.
The LEWA district committees have been empowered to become the ears and eyes
of the regulator and the voice of the voiceless and have been accepted by the public
and the consumers as vital customer groups that ensure standards of service are
adhered to and consumers enjoy quality services.